Optimal Exam Condition Mimicry Az-104 Azure Exam Testing Engine and PDF
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Microsoft Azure Administrator Questions and Answers

Questions 1:
You have an Azure subscription that contains an Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) tenant named adatum.com. The tenant contains 500 user accounts.
You deploy Microsoft Office 365. You configure Office 365 to use the user accounts in adatum.com.
You configure 60 users to connect to mailboxes in Microsoft Exchange Online.
You need to ensure that the 60 users use Azure Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to connect to the Exchange Online mailboxes. The solution must only affect connections to the Exchange Online mailboxes.
What should you do?
- From the multi-factor authentication page, configure the Multi-Factor Auth status for each user
- From Azure Active Directory admin center, create a conditional access policy
- From the multi-factor authentication page, modify the verification options
- From the Azure Active Directory admin center, configure an authentication method
Questions 2:
You have a Microsoft 365 tenant and an Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) tenant named contoso.com.
You plan to grant three users named User1, User2, and User3 access to a temporary Microsoft SharePoint document library named Library1.
You need to create groups for the users. The solution must ensure that the groups are deleted automatically after 180 days.
Which two groups should you create? Each correct answer presents a complete solution.
NOTE: Each correct selection is worth one point.
- a Security group that uses the Assigned membership type
- an Office 365 group that uses the Assigned membership type
- an Office 365 group that uses the Dynamic User membership type
- a Security group that uses the Dynamic User membership type
- a Security group that uses the Dynamic Device membership type
High-quality content made by IT professionals

We scour through hundreds of IT experts before assembling the right team for the job. The team who produces the AZ-104 testing engine, pdf, and study guides is of great significance to us. That is the reason we take our time to ensure we get the perfect team. And now, we can proudly say that our team has the most experience, dedication, and qualifications than any other team of IT professionals who design and compile IT exam certification dumpsbuddy.com. Thus, we can rightly say no other IT experts can ever hold a candle to the specialists who work here.
Get a perfect score using our AZ-104 dumps
Don’t we all dream of getting a perfect score or percentage on our exams? Well, that dream of yours is about to come true. The AZ-104 testing engine, pdf, and study guides are the perfect combination to help you achieve this goal. So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead, and make this rewarding purchase.