
10 Ways To Save On Online Delivery Charges

Online shopping is a great thing, especially in the pandemic period. You can avoid physical contact, and stay home. As we speak about staying home, why don’t you take a rest while someone is on their way bringing you stuff you have ordered online? But we don’t pay attention to crucial things.

Count the money we spend on e-commerce deliveries. E-commerce companies sign contracts with delivery companies for an already established price. So, when you go online shopping, you already have offered delivery companies you can pick, and probably look for the most popular. We have to mention that many e-commerce companies and online shopping websites gather your location information and set different prices.

1. Clear browser history


People invented many tricks to avoid big delivery charges when shopping online. We suggest you clear your browser history, log out of your accounts and choose low developed countries to achieve low charge.

Online shopping websites use your location and present you often selected delivery companies according to statistics gathered. Don’t forget to log out of every account you’re currently logged in to, so they can’t get your personal information, such as your address, name, and phone number. The information they gather from your social media accounts can affect the delivery charge.

Many users have reported that they use incognito browser mode, and they can’t get access to your personal information.

2. Shop on the right day


We don’t look forward to holidays only because we spend time with family but for discounts. Every holiday brings discounts on many online shopping websites, and we’re happy to see it.

We’re familiar with the “Black Friday” trend. Think about it, up to 75 percent discounts on articles, more expensive things go up to 45 percent or even more, according to last Amazon customer analyses. It is tempting to bother yourself on a lazy Sunday, but don’t hesitate to spend some time browsing through to catch discounts. Statistics show that people spend the most time shopping online on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays.

3. Use Coupons and Delivery Rewards


Websites such as Amazon or eBay offer various coupons and shopping rewards. They’re pretty much free, but they can require you to do a survey or a similar thing, we bet you can spare a moment or two to complete it. Mentioned coupons and rewards don’t just apply to shopping deals but deliveries too.

4. Negotiate with a customer service


Oh, no! You checked your email and realized your coupon or reward just expired? Don’t worry, just call the customer service and tell them that your coupons expired, ask them if they can get extended. Don’t be disappointed if you don’t make a deal with them because many coupons on low-priced products aren’t to be extended. It isn’t the only way you can communicate with customer service, you can use online chats on the websites and try negotiating with them.

5. Comparisons


Browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge have add-ons that you can install and use. What do they do? Well, by installing one of the add-ons you can compare deals. Someone can have the same product, but for a lower price than you had first.

Amazon and eBay have a newly introduced feature that can sort an item you took a photo of with your phone. Send the photo to their database and they will send feedback to you with all items listed.

6. Leave your items in the cart


Save your items to your cart when shopping online and visit the same website the next day, see if they have a better offer for you. Features like these help you to get better deals with the company. If they don’t put a better offer that day, try visiting the next one and do it until you get satisfied with the offer.

This trick works only if you have an account registered to the website, don’t forget to do so if you want to catch it.

7. Shop strategically


Mentioned websites and e-commerce companies will offer you a great list of items once you open the website, but don’t pick right away. Spend some time scrolling and pick the right one, with the discount offered.

Pick items with a high price because high-priced items have low delivery charges. You can see a t-shirt for three or four dollars, but when ordering it, you get charged with a twenty or thirty dollars delivery price.

8. Pick other websites with coupons


Spend some time exploring the internet and find websites that offer coupon codes for Amazon, eBay, or any other online shopping website.

Some websites offer coupons only for their countries. For example, US websites can offer you a list of international online shopping websites and coupons intended for them, but some websites do not do international offers.

We recommend you to search Google and try finding the best solution, but we’re here with a bit of advice too. If you want to save some money while shopping at Emma Matratze, check out where you can find some off-the-charts discounts.

9. Shop regularly, but don’t stop searching


Most people buy one brand and stay loyal to it. It isn’t a mistake. Owners like when you shop at their store often and they’ll give you a discount whenever they feel okay to do so, and that’s why you should keep doing that. What you shouldn’t stop doing is searching. This may help you find items for a lower price but still have the same quality. Remember to spend some time exploring because it’s the only way you can save your money.

10. Sign up for email notifications


Whenever you get asked to sign up for receiving email notifications, do that. Websites will send you free notifications whenever there’s a sale going on and free coupons are ready to get collected. You won’t spend time exploring the website for sales.

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