
Gaur Gopal Das Quotes

Gaur Gopal Das Quotes

Gaur Gopal Das Quotes from his powerful and inspiring talks are really mind awakening.

If you have come here through the search looking for his quotes, you probably know who he is.


He is a monk, storyteller, life coach, author and as he says: “Friends To millions” who are following his journey.

Let’s see some of Gaur Gopal Das Quotes.

Quotes Of Gaur Gopal Das

These quotes of Gaur Gopal Das quotes will enrich you with the wisdom you are looking for.

Gaur Gopal Das Quotes

“There’s a story behind each one’s journey. There’s a reason behind the decisions they may have made. Let’s not jump to conclusions labeling them as right or wrong without making an effort to understand the background.”

Gaur Gopal Das | Krishna Quotes
Gaur Gopal Das Quotes

“Our depiction of the world is based so much on our subjective perception. Don’t they say there is my side of the story, there is their side of the story and then there is the story.”

Gaur Gopal Das
Gaur Gopal Quotes By Mantavya

“In solving a relationship issue, it’s better to discuss what is wrong than who is wrong.”

Gaur Gopal Das
Gaur Gopal Quotes By Mantavya

“If we do not laugh at the same joke again and again, why do we cry over and over the same problem repeatedly?”

Gaur Gopal Das

“Our skillset in any area of life can only bring us success if we have the right mindset.”

Gaur Gopal Das

Best Quotes Of Gaur Gopal Das

quotes by mantavya gaur gopal das

“Success in any area of life comes at the right time. You cannot speed it up. Don’t be hasty. Just keep doing the right things patiently. The seed of every genuine effort will bear fruit one day.”

Gaur Gopal Das
full size gaur gopal quotes

“Well-wishing friends are like mirrors. They show us both our strengths and weaknesses and thus help us in our progressive growth.”

Gaur Gopal Das
movement quotes by gaur gopal das

“Movement keeps the body fit and stability keeps the mind fit.”

Gaur Gopal Das
quotes by mantavya

“A life lived in gratitude is a life lived well.”

Gaur Gopal Das
Gaur Gopal Das

“To try to change something beyond your control is like trying to move a wall by beating your head against it. The wall doesn’t move; only your head gets hurt. Stop hurting yourself by trying to change that which cannot be changed.”

Gaur Gopal Das

Best Ever Gaur Gopal Das Quotes

Things by Gaur Gopal

“If things are not going right for you, press pause. Reflect on your life. Redefine your journey. And then relaunch yourself with double the force.”

Best Gaur Gopal Quotes

“In the darkness, we tend to mistake one thing to be another to the extent that sometimes it leads to imaginary fear. But when we turn the light on, there is clarity; we can see things for what they are and rise above those imaginary insecurities. Living a life based on wisdom is like turning the light on!”

Gaur Gopal Das
Top Gaur Gopal Quotes

“A very important aspect of gratitude is to acknowledge the services of those who add so much value to our life but often get neglected and then to reciprocate with them in any way possible.”

Gaur Gopal Das
Great quotes by Gaur Gopal

“Always remember that your most important project is you. You won’t be able to work on anything or anyone unless you have worked on yourself.”

Gaur Gopal Das
nice quotes by gaur gopal

“The challenges that we face today could very much be the reason for the fulfillment of our aspirations tomorrow. Only if we are grateful for those challenges and are willing to deal with them with a positive mindset. It’s not about what happens to us but about how we respond to what happens to us that makes our dreams come true.”

Gaur Gopal Das

Awesome Gaur Gopal Das Quotes

Gaur Gopal Das Quotes by Mantavya

“If we feel helpless in minimizing our negative thinking, Let’s maximize our positive thinking, let the power of positivity empower us to deal with our negativity.”

Gaur Gopal Das
Best Gaur Gopal Das

“The right thing said in a wrong way could lead to a wrong effect.”

Gaur Gopal Das
Gaur Gopal Das Quotes

“We can’t live a happy life until we confront our negativities and deal with them.”

Gaur Gopal Das
Mantavya Quotes for Gaur Gopal Das

“One of the principles needed to make progress in life is to keep the small things small. And to identify what is big and what is small, we need wisdom!”

Gaur Gopal Das
Gaur Gopal Quotes by Mantavya

“When we feel accepted and loved for who we are, when we feel encouraged to work on ourselves and make steady progress, we should know that we are in the right company.”

Gaur Gopal Das

Gopal Gaur Das Quotes Images

Gaur Gopal Quotes on the Internet

“Our experience in life depends on what we focus on. If we change our focus, we can change our life.”

Gaur Gopal Das
Every effort is an investment for our ultimate success even if its current outcome may be contrary to how we wanted things to be. Hope is that rope that keeps us tied to our dreams and drags us to where we want to never lose hope.

“Every effort is an investment for our ultimate success even if its current outcome may be contrary to how we wanted things to be. Hope is that rope that keeps us tied to our dreams and drags us to where we want to never lose hope.”

Gaur Gopal Das
Best quotes by mantavya

“Live your life in such a way that everyone who knows you feels proud that they know you.”

Gaur Gopal Das
Best quotes by Mantavya

“Honoring life is not just about respecting humans, but also about having empathy towards all species of life, whether it be trees or birds or animals. The symptom of an evolved civilization is how everything and everyone is treated with dignity and given the space to exist and thrive.”

Gaur Gopal Das

“A satisfying life is not a privilege of a few. It is the birthright of every human being.”

Gaur Gopal Das
Gaur Gopal Das Quotes

“Our greatest asset is the ability to choose and construct a life that is joyful, meaningful and purposeful.”

Gaur Gopal Das
Gaur Gopal Quotes

“Life going off the line? Let’s learn to go off-line!”

Gaur Gopal Das
Gaur Gopal Das nice quotes

“Our biggest limitation is not someone else. It is us. We need to rise and fight ourselves before we fight anyone else.”

Gaur Gopal Das
Personal introspection is like a mirror that doesn't lie. To make progress. It is essential for us to objectively look at what we have and also what we lack.

“Personal introspection is like a mirror that doesn’t lie. To make progress. It is essential for us to objectively look at what we have and also what we lack.”

Gaur Gopal Das
We are not the only factor responsible for our success in anything we do. Humility means to share the credit (at least in our minds) with all those responsible for what we have and who we are.

“We are not the only factor responsible for our success in anything we do. Humility means to share the credit (at least in our minds) with all those responsible for what we have and who we are.”

Gaur Gopal Das
Gaur Gopal Quotes

“Right things aren’t always easy to do, but they pay us back with an excellent reward in the long run.”

Gaur Gopal Das
Even a small part of our morning spent in self-awareness can make a large difference in the way we lead our day.

“Even a small part of our morning spent in self-awareness can make a large difference in the way we lead our day.”

Gaur Gopal Das
Turning a house into a home is about transforming a building made up of bricks and cement into a place loving relationships.

“Turning a house into a home is about transforming a building made up of bricks and cement into a place loving relationships.”

Gaur Gopal Das
Gaur gopal quotes

“Live your life in such a way that there is no room for regrets.”

Gaur Gopal Das
Gaur Gopal  Das Quotes

“Decisions based on wisdom, more than emotion, have a better chance of being right.”

Quotes By Gaur Gopal Das

Below are some of the quotes by Gaur Gopal Das that have been collected from his posts and videos:

Counting other’s blessings may lead to jealousy; counting our own gives rise to gratitude.

Gaur Gopal Das

“Do not form an opinion about someone based on what you have heard from others. After all, it’s just their opinion and may not necessarily be a reality.”

Gaur Gopal Das

“The gap between can’t and can is will-power.”

Gaur Gopal Das

“Rise high by pulling yourself up, not by pushing somebody down!”

Gaur Gopal Das

“Like we have food for the body and food for thought, we need food for our soul too!”

Gaur Gopal Das


No one in this world is perfect. And if we reject people all the time simply because they make mistakes we will be left with only one person in our life – ourselves. And are we perfect? Do we not make mistakes?

If the people we deal with are sincere and genuine, learn to accept them despite their faults, shortcomings, limitations and mistakes. This indeed is the foundation of meaningful relationships.

Mantavya quotes of gaur gopal das

“Don’t look for perfection in your relationships. No human being is perfect. Look for sincerity. Mistakes happen! But if one honestly accepts the mistake and genuinely tries to rectify it, making a commitment to not repeat it again, he/she deserves a chance.”

Gaur Gopal Das
Gaur Gopal Quotes

“Only one person trying to make a relationship work, without cooperation from the other, is like trying to clap with on hand. It’s not impossible but it is very difficult. Only a few may be able to do it and also it may not have the same effect.”

Gaur Gopal Das


Healthy nutritious food, adequate rest, a good exercise regimen and a peaceful mind are the elements needed for keeping the body fit.

The ability to accommodate varying opinions, the capacity to seek the essence in diversity, the inner resilience to maintain peace and focus in the midst of external and internal challenges keep the mind and intelligence fit.

Mantavya gaur gopal quotes

“Like we have food for the body and food for thought, we need food for our soul too!”

Gaur Gopal Das

To Sum Up Quotes By Gaur Gopal Das

In this blog post, I covered all the great quotes by Gaur Gopal Das. He is such an inspiration and the life lessons provided by him through these quotes are worth sharing.

If you like the collection of his quotes, please do share it with the people you love.

You can also read more quotes by Mantavya or the captions.

Also, if you want any quotes to be added, please let me know in the comment section.

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