
What to Look for in CBD Oil For Cats

You may notice that your favorite pet cat is not its usual self. For example, it’s not playing outside, or it sleeps for just a few minutes every day. If this is the case, know that pets get older and maybe experiencing lots of ailments as they age.

For example, they can have arthritis, insomnia, or back pain that’s not letting them get a good night’s sleep. Another thing is that they may have anxiety, and you may want to take some steps to help alleviate their situations.

Fortunately, if you’re looking for organic and all-natural supplements, CBD oil can have your back. This oil extract is from the cannabis plant, but it does not produce a “high” effect. It’s different from marijuana because cannabidiol extracts come from hemp plants that don’t have THC. If there’s even THC thrown into the mix, manufacturers make sure that it’s way below 0.3%, which is not enough to produce a psychoactive effect.

If you care about the treatment of your feline, you may want to do your due diligence and research further about cannabidiol products. The CBD oil from Holistapet can alleviate back pain, reduce stress, enhance their appetites, and make them sleep better. The oil is also known to produce a calming sensation in cats, and there are no known side effects. However, you may see that there are hundreds of products to choose from, and if you’re unsure of what to look for, here’s a guide for you.

Buying Guide for CBD Oil

The Source Should Be Organic Hemp


Growers of hemp are everywhere, especially in the US. Growing this plant is not difficult as the farmers everywhere begin to master the process with the help of the Farm Bill of 2018, which legalized hemp. It would be best to look for something organic because you’re essentially putting the oil into your pet’s body.

The organic products are not toxic, and they have certificates to prove that they don’t have any presence of genetically modified accelerants, pesticides, and unnecessary fertilizers. With the help of sustainable farming and other practices, the creation of many CBD oils nowadays are becoming safer, and they taste better too,

Beware of the advertisers who only show a few ingredients in their bottles. It would be best if you had a supplier where you can visit their website and view a complete list of the premium ingredients used in the bottle, and it’s essential to determine what’s organic about them. First, take the time to read the labels and ensure that they are certified by the USDA. Then, look at the farms where the plants originated and read the laboratory reports.

The best CBD oil for your cats is usually produced from organic hemp harvested within the USA. Any other products should be thoroughly checked. If possible, avoid those companies that source their hemp plants from other countries, as you won’t be sure about the level of pesticides and chemicals they contain.

Full-Spectrum and Broad-Spectrum Produce Entourage Effect


Refined CBD can be broken into powder form, and the pure one is called isolate. In addition, some products contain broad-spectrum CBD oil with terpenes, flavonoids, phytocannabinoids, and other organic plant compounds without THC.

As mentioned, THC produces a psychoactive effect on the users. However, studies show that a bit of THC, which is less than 0.3%, can enhance the effect of cannabidiol, and this is known as the entourage effect.

This is where all the components from the plants interact together to produce results faster. They can heighten the effects of cannabidiol, and the full-spectrum product with the 0.3% THC can interact with the feline’s endocannabinoid system without making it high. This will feel more relaxing for your pet, and you’re essentially getting more value out of your money.

When all the compounds work together, they can make more impact on the cannabinoid receptors. As a result, the homeostasis in your feline’s body can be restored in no time, and they can be back up and running after feeling lethargic for weeks. So, overall, your kitty can achieve a healthier lifestyle, and you should not be afraid to try the broad-spectrum and full-spectrum variety and see the entourage effect on your feline.

Verify the Laboratory Results and the Ingredients


You need to ensure that the ingredients are organic before letting your kittens consume the product. One of the biggest considerations you need is a company that never skimp corners, and there shouldn’t be something that you’re unfamiliar with on the labels.

If you’re buying gummies and treats, make sure that they don’t contain excess sugar. Buy only from trusted and reputable companies online and check their customer reviews. The overall experience should be smooth, and the price should be worth it.

For laboratory results, a few considerations should also take place. You need to know when the laboratory tests were conducted and if there were metals found. The companies should not have any catch-all results and know the location of the laboratories. The states where medical marijuana is considered legal are more accustomed to testing, providing more accurate results.

When you ask the right questions, you’ll be better and knowledgeable about the nature of CBD. The answers that you’re looking for should be off the bat and don’t take recommendations blindly. Consult with your veterinarian if needed and be vigilant with those oils that are sold for cheaper prices. Research and read studies about cannabidiol to know more about its healing effects.

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