
3 Weapon Types in Destiny 2

Video games have evolved unimaginably fast in recent decades, so what was once solely a part of most vivid imaginations, nowadays is the principle reserved for most versatile gaming routines. Surely, different genres have taken separate evolving paths and imposed standards full of novelties accepted as new normal by experienced players.

Without question, we might claim that every game represents an accomplishment for itself, even though there are recognizable patterns shared by contemporary virtual accomplishments. For example, both offline and online-based shooting games imply the usage of different weapon sets and knowing which type does what, greatly influences overall progress. For that reason, we have prepared the following text that should teach you how to make better use of different weapon types in Destiny 2.

Even though the initial part of the Destiny saga has set a different standard implying old-fashioned weapon types, the sequel modified the approach to selecting and obtaining particular armory pieces. Therefore, instead of equipping primary, special, and heavy weapon types, contemporary Destiny 2 aficionado has the opportunity to shift between kinetic, energy, and power shooting gear while they fight their way through the enemy ranks.

1. Kinetic


If you are familiar with the basics of physics, the name of this weapon type should hint at what they are all about. In a nutshell, kinetic weapons are the ones that base their functionality on firing nothing else but tangible destruction, aka, they discharge bullets that cause physical harm to one’s foes.

Therefore, you would use this weapon type when the time for taking down the life force from your enemy comes. Without question, they represent the weapon class once known as primary weapons, and they encompass both auto and pulse rifles, various sidearms, submachine guns, hand cannons, and other seemingly basic killing gadgets. Well, if you consider devastating your enemy’s health status a basic feature, then yes, this weapon class fits the description.

Surely, it would be utterly wrong to consider kinetic weapons are all that you need to fight your way through enemy ranks as it was nothing, but you will notice that as soon as you cross your paths with armored foes who seem not to care that your kinetic weapon has damage rate worth admiring.

2. Energy


If you have absolutely no clue what the energy type is designed to help you with, we urge you to remember the old specials. Namely, snipers, fusion-based arsenal, and good old shotguns now fall to the energy category you would use under special circumstances.

As their name suggests, this weapon subclass bases its performance on a particular energy type, but it also encompasses guns that fire standard ammunition. As we have mentioned earlier, you would want to use this type of weapon when you notice your enemies protect themselves with differently-colored shields. To make a long story short, the color of the shield should appoint you to what matching color energy weapon you should equip to cause optimal damage.

At, you will find a more detailed explanation not only about how and when to use different weapon subclasses but also about other peculiarities reserved for nobody else but the most passionate Destiny 2 connoisseurs.

In a nutshell, there are 3 basic elemental types you should have no trouble distinguishing one from another. Fire energy or solar elemental should be used to eliminate your enemy’s matching shield and burst it into pieces making them suffer the damage followed by a huge blast. Additionally, you would have the opportunity to shift between the arc and void weapons depending on which challenge lies in front of you. Since the arc stands for electric and void for purplish energy modes, you should have no trouble figuring out which weapon to equip in order to deal with the enemy’s defense mechanisms.

3. Power


This weapon class delivers nothing else but raw power, hence the name it bears does not surprise. Even though they can and will help you treat your foes with pure and devastating firepower, the ammunition reserved for the third and the most efficient Destiny 2 weapons is not as easy to come across as the case is with the 2 aforementioned varieties.

What you should do in order to obtain the shells for power weapons is to focus on both yellow and orange foe health bars, since they will reward you with the most powerful, long-awaited ammunition. Since the damage power babies can deliver to an enemy is unparalleled, we strongly advise you either to save it when the time for facing the boss comes or to use it when the enemy numbers reach serious numbers.

Without question, you can use them in different circumstances but bear in mind that they are envisaged to deliver destruction for a reason. The calculus is more than simple, thus, if you waste hard to get ammo reserved for power weapons on weaklings, you might put yourself in an unenviable position when the time for handling the real deal comes. Thus, save the power shells for the right moment and enjoy their efficiency.

Surely, knowing what each weapon type does is not enough to advance and make a difference. First of all, you would have to demonstrate patience and hard work only to get your hands on them, not to mention how proficient you must be to make them a standard part of your arsenal. Still, learning a thing or two about how to make use of them should prove to be a useful piece of information in the long run.

Now that you have learned what makes the aforementioned weapon subclasses unique, your journey through Destiny 2 should be at least a bit easier. A vast majority of players struggle for days, or even months before realizing how to use them most efficiently, so take your time and read the article as many times as you need until you harvest the info you came here for. Guns play a vital role in mastering Destiny 2, so the sooner you realize how to make the most of what you pick up, the chances you will increase your gaming proficiency are higher.

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