An Overview of Sports News – Apps for Cricket Betting
At the current stage of development of the sports industry basketball and soccer are very popular and loved all over the world. You can bet on the sport in almost any bookmaker’s office. However, there are no less curious, but, at the same time, not so popular trends, which, meanwhile, is not any worse.
This is a classic cricket. And although cricket betting apps have fairly exotic rules, it is not worse than soccer or basketball.
The basic rules and features of the game of cricket

The popularity of cricket apps in the world is constantly growing, especially in Asia. This is probably due to the fact that cricket is the sport number 1 in India, where the population is 1 billion people. It also hosts the main battles in this discipline, which is willingly watched even in England. By the way, it was on Foggy Albion and invented cricket.
The essence of the game is quite simple: 11 players from each team take their place on the grass field in the form of an ellipse. In the center of this field is a special zone measuring 20 meters long and 3 meters wide, called pitching.
On this very pitch there are crises, which determine the playing areas. The very process of the game is that the player who pitches the ball (bowler) throws the ball in the direction of the batter (batsman). Betsman has to hit the projectile with the bat as far as possible so that the opponents can not intercept it quickly, and the reflecting player has to run across the field in that time. Such rounds in cricket are called innings.
At the same time, during this run (rana), you must play the rules in order to earn points, such as: taking the batsman out of play (for the pitching team), catching the ball before it touches the ground, destroying the creases.
The inning itself continues until 10 batsmen from one team are taken out of the game, after which the turn passes to the other team. Bowlers, in turn, are allowed to pitch 6 times (6 pitches is called an over).
By the way, the duration of the match itself can vary significantly in duels of different formats. For example, the shortest matches that include 20 overs last about 3.5 hours. But the test matches of national teams, to which the world’s attention is riveted, can be held for 5 days. In this case, each day the teams have to play for 6 hours.
However, the experts advise you to study the sport in detail yourself, because you will have to break your head to understand all the intricacies and nuances of this unusual and amazing game.
What events can be done online betting
The popularity of this betting apps in the world allows us to count on the fact that in the list of matches we will meet the traditional markers with a large number of values, such as:
- Betting on the winner’s outcome;
- Handicap;
- Total;
- Player stats (how many points a specific player scored or made an over, etc.);
- Match statistics (sometimes, not bad exclusive markers with high passability are added);
- Bets on the segments of the game (innings);
- Betting on the toss (before the match, to determine the team that will be the first to serve accepted using the flip of a coin. This layout can be compared to even/odd in other sports, as the probability of winning is 50/50).
At the same time, other marquets are always added to the roster, which appear from time to time, depending on the status of the match.
The choice of the team that will serve first depends on how the toss is cast. On this outcome and offer to bet in the BK. As you understand, it is almost impossible to predict the outcome of this event, and the odds are 50%.
Because of this, bookmakers offer very high odds for either outcome. With the help of catch-up, we can quite successfully earn on this, but it is worth paying attention to another factor that affects the lot.
The peculiarity of cricket is that almost all the game, the teams play with the same ball. A change of playing projectile happens only after 80 overs. I think you can understand the state of the ball, and it speaks to a certain advantage that the team that is lucky enough to have the 1st inning gets.
In the first inning, the ball is in perfect shape, it doesn’t have any rips or other type of damage. This means that hitting it, and doing it as far as possible, will not be difficult for the batsman.
From this we can conclude that the receiving team has a much better chance of winning in the 1st inning, which is what I recommend betting on. Nevertheless, you should not blindly trust the toss, because you should bet only if you have done a quality analysis and are confident that the team is capable of winning your bet.
The basic rules of the game
In cricket, two teams of 11 players compete against each other. The cricket pitch is round and can be of different sizes. But the main events of the match take place on a central 22-yard strip of field called “pitch”. The two teams take turns pitching and batting the ball, with one bowler, ten fielders for the pitching team and two batsmen for the batting team, one on each side of the pitch.
Cricket betting strategies
Popular cricket betting apps fans strategies:
- On draws;
- On draws in test matches;
- On various formats, cups and tournaments;
- On players and other markets.
- Betting on tosses
- site
Betting on the draw

It is a common strategy because it gives the player a 50% chance of winning the bet and a 50% chance of losing. Betting apps in India on the toss is similar to betting on the outcome of the match. The player also has the option of betting on who will win the toss or which team decides to bat or bowl first. Unlike soccer, where the toss does not matter, in cricket betting the toss gives the team a clear advantage.
Ties in Test Games
In test games, there is an equal probability that a team will win, lose, or both teams will draw. In most other formats, draws are unlikely due to different scoring methods. Betting on a draw outside test cricket is unlikely, but if a bookmaker’s customer guesses a draw, he can expect to win handsomely.
Although betting on draws in test matches can be boring because of waiting for the decision of the referees, a betting customer of a betting company confident in the result makes a bet with a high probability of winning.
Different types of formats
Cricket betting apps are played in several formats – T20, one-day and Test matches. Depending on the format, teams field different lineups. In a test match, there are several betting options during the five days of the competition. In a one-day match, players bet during the day until the end of the game. A T20 match usually lasts an average of 3-4 hours. Bookmakers offer clients several betting options for such matches within a limited time frame.
Betting in tournaments and cups

Cricket betting apps fans on various leagues around the world – The Ashes, World Cup, T20 World Cup, Sharjah Cup, Big Bash League, Indian Premier League, domestic English County Cricket and others. Matches are played every week – amateurs can always bet on a game of cricket.
Some teams play better than others in certain tournaments, such as Australia, while other strong teams, such as South Africa, usually do not show accurate results.
Betting on players
In Cricket betting apps, players can bet on a match or player. Some of the betting markets include number of runs, wickets, catches, runs per period, over/under, player of the match, etc. Although player bets are harder to predict, the payouts are usually higher than for bets on the outcome of the match.
You should definitely pay attention to such an unusual sport as cricket. You’ll become a real fan of this ball and bat game! Study the rules in detail, train your skills in analyzing matches of this discipline, before going on to bet.
Practice shows that many bettors have long earned good money with cricket, so you too can succeed, and do not put off this way of earning.