
New Ways To Treat Yourself

If the stress is catching up with you and you’re feeling rundown and frazzled, then maybe it’s time for a treat. While self-indulgence may not always be the best thing, it certainly doesn’t hurt once in a while, especially if it breaks up your routine, gives you something to look forward to and provides you with some extra energy.

Something Big


Perhaps you’re in the mood to do something big to treat yourself. First, make sure your budget can support it so that your treat doesn’t end up creating extra stress. With that out of the way, jump into your plans. Perhaps you’ll choose a major vacation. You could try one of the fantastic cruises to Mexico from California perhaps or set sail for Alaska to enjoy the breathtaking views.

Alternatively, you might plan a week’s vacation to a city you’ve never visited before. Do your research ahead of time so that you know what you want to see and experience, but leave some free time so that you can take advantage of all the discoveries you’ll make along the way.

If you’re an outdoors person, your best treat may be an extended camping trip or a stay at a wilderness lodge. You can get in plenty of time hiking, horseback-riding and just relaxing in the fresh air and sunshine. The stress will melt away quickly, leaving you refreshed.

Something Small

Your budget may protest against a big treat, however. In that case, you may have to settle for something small, but it can be a fun treat just the same. Actually, when you choose to treat yourself in small ways, you can do it more often and throw in more variety. You can set aside an evening for yourself now and again, for instance. Let everyone know that you’ll be offline and out of reach for the night. Then curl up with a favorite book or movie and a delicious snack.

You might also give yourself a small treat once in a while by purchasing some little extra you’ve been eying. This might be some supplies for your best craft or hobby, a piece of clothing or even a magazine. It’s simply fun to get something new to enjoy once in a while.

Something in Between


Finally, you could occasionally choose a treat that lies somewhere in between something large and something small. Instead of taking a major vacation, for instance, set out on a weekend adventure. You might visit an historic site or museum in your area and pair that with a nice dinner out and a night in a hotel. You could enjoy a sporting event with friends or go to a concert or play.

Maybe you’re not quite in the mood to travel or spend time with other people. You can still treat yourself. Take the weekend off from work. Put away the phone. Check your email only a couple times. And then dive into some activities you truly enjoy. You could set aside a full afternoon to work on a hobby, for instance. You might fix yourself a special meal or two if you like to cook. Or you may catch up on some reading or TV watching you’ve been meaning to do but haven’t gotten around to. The possibilities are endless, and it could be a real treat.

Set Your Limits


Finally, if you’re going to treat yourself, you’re going to need to set a few limits for yourself and for other people. You can’t give yourself big treats all the time, and even in-between treats may be rather rare. So don’t overdo things. Even small treats should be handled with moderation so that they remain treats rather than a habit.

Also, set some limits for others. When you mean to treat yourself, take a step back, and let people know that you’ll be unavailable unless there is an emergency. This may sound a little selfish, but the whole point is to take a break from the stress and pressure for a while.

So don’t hesitate to treat yourself now and then so that you can find refreshment.

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